National Osteoporosis Foundation

This information was last updated on


1150 17th Street NW Suite 850 +Other, DC 20036

Telephone Numbers and Contact Information

Telephone 1:
(800) 231-4222 Information Line

Telephone 2:
(202) 223-2226 Local

Telephone 3:
( ) -

(202) 223-2237

Web Page:

Program Details

Hours: Toll-free information lines available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Fees: None
Intake Process:
Service Area: Nationwide

Program Description:

Provides information about osteoporosis to the public and medical professionals. Offers programs of public and clinician awareness, education, advocacy and research. Callers may request information to be mailed by leaving a message on the voice mail or completing a form on the website.

This information is provided as is with no guarantee as to the accuracy of the information. Information is considered to be accurate as of the date of the last update, printed above. Resources for Seniors may not be held liable for misuse of this information.