Elders Peak

This information was last updated on


2917 Creech Rd Raleigh, NC 27610

Telephone Numbers and Contact Information

Telephone 1:
(919) 834-7325

Telephone 2:

Telephone 3:

(919) 834-7327

Web Page: None Listed

Program Details

Hours: Tuesday-Friday, 9AM to 3PM
Eligibility: Age 62+ (no exception for disabled). Income must be below $33,600 at 60% for one person, or $38,400 for two. Some units have lower limits.
Fees: One-bedroom=$475; Two-bedroom=$505
Intake Process: Call for application, or can pick one up in the lobby.
Service Area:

Program Description:

Affordable senior housing for those age 62+, with 48 apartments, including one and two-bedroom units. 15 units are fully handicapped-accessible. 3-story building with elevator. Three blocks from bus line. Workout center, walking trail, plus other amenities. Managed by Pendergraph Management.

This information is provided as is with no guarantee as to the accuracy of the information. Information is considered to be accurate as of the date of the last update, printed above. Resources for Seniors may not be held liable for misuse of this information.